I didn't realize how your titles draw me in now. I just have to see what they mean. Never disappointing. Onward!👍

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Your experiences and the way you share them with us are magical. Thank you!

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I remember a Armadillo encounter while attending Aviation Ordance School In Jacksonville Florida. Vietnam War was still raging, and this Mid-west boy was waiting for his AO classes to begin. The Navy had this USCG airman doing night guard duty a few nights before my attendance. I was assigned a flashlight a helmet and a M-1 rifle without ammunition, about 0200 hundred hours, in the pick dark….I was started by a loud scrapping almost metal sound coming my way in the dark….I yelled “who goes there” and held my gun ( without ammunition) , flashlight on …waiting for the Vietcong or NVA assault. And out of the dark appeared the first and only Armadillo this boy from Wisconsin has ever seen.Still gives me the shivers when I think about such a close encounter with death. 🫣. Those critters could be deadly you know!

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Have chosen not to look at the radar in your location today. I know the power of the storms that come up off the Gulf in the winter. May the sun shine on all of you for the rest of your trip, and may the wind be at your backs. Love you.

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Thanks sis, we’re out in front of the storm, good riding today!

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Wow, Newton you are running the full gamut of emotions out there on the road. I recently lost a very close member of my family ( the one that I used to visit every year in New Orleans). We became close after Hurricane Katrina when she wanted to just walk away from her house and I talked her into going back at it and getting the gutting and rebuilding done. The very same one that Deb and Leslie went by to visit when they were there. We became close, as most experiences like that will do, and easily got into the habit of talking every other day. When she found out she had cancer, she seemed to start preparing me for a life without her in it. Something I could not imagine. I was able to get back to see her one last time on March 20th. I laid on the bed beside her as she struggled with her breathing and laughed and talked to her as if she could hear me. She passed away quietly an hour and a half later. Maybe she did. Keep moving my friend.

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You guys are kicking butt man. Kudos! Great to smell the ocean again I bet.

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