Part of me wants to find out if your interview makes the local Richards, TX newspaper. Do you remember his name? Thank you for continuing to remind me of how a day can start a certain way and end another way. Most of the time it is for the better but when it isn’t better there is tomorrow.

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Also feeling a bit of crabbiness sweeping in even though I didn't ride yesterday! I suspect a glimmer of sunshine would brighten my mood up enormously right now :D Safe riding!!

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Better day today, 91 miles, made it to Kirbyville, we’ll finally leave Texas tomorrow! Be safe, after Shepard it flattens out a lot, good luck🚴🏾‍♂️😎

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Brilliant! Happy to hear that 😍

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WoW, you guys are amazing with the strength that you are drawing on. Nature is very restorative and I could almost picture the forest and wildflowers you were describing. It is pouring rain here in NC but I was looking forward to it since it is my Saturday off and I now don't have to worry about watering. I think your next test will be the humidity, but if you can handle the rain you can handle the damp curtain that is waiting for you up the road!

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Thanks for the reminder that sometimes when the day seems to suck it can turn into something awesome. Need that some days! I'm glad the "interview" didn't turn into the horror story it began to sound like. Odd....🤔 Sounded creepy. Rock on!🤘

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