Hope you get the issue resolved once and for all! Las Cruces was my old stomping ground when I was stationed at Holloman. Enjoy the views!

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When it rains, it pours. Not always sure about the reasoning behind that saying, but I know in my heart this is just a bump in the road. Safe travels to all 3 of you.

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I just knocked on wood to send you positive vibes and great luck. BTW, I heard “Against the Wind” by Bob Seger and thought about you guys.

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Your plan is the best plan! Safe, smart and practical ! Those adjectives have served you well so far, may that continue! High fives to all of you! 😀

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Dude at this point I am ready to pass the hat get you a rental van and send you off and rolling but I guess there is sentimental value there. I hate to think that the cosmic forces will not come together to provide a Miri ke save of some sort. Nice to read that decision process, with age comes wisdom’s wisdom so they say. Ha-ha!

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A great plan...we're all rooting for you!

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Good luck and safe travels.

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