Good thoughts written about the “right” or “wrong” side of the line. In today’s world I feel the lines also exist in American politics, Freedom vs. Dictatorships, Religious beliefs, color of skin, gender, animal rights, abortion rights, and even diets. This is truly a world a quandary of which side of the line do we live on. On a bicycle, kayak, canoe, small aircraft, or even on a solitary hike…..the world looks divided in many unfair ways.

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Pondering.....It's hard on the psyche. I'm trying to quit.😑

Good food, good rest, good company....nice.

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I have alo been feeling similarly about the border thing and doing a lot of pondering the last month. The border so starkly arbitrary and manufactured, and yet so incredibly impactful on humans' lives... It makes me more deeply appreciate this opportunity we have to ride across the country and not treat it with frivolity.

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Exactly! Well said Jamie.

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I hope these updates become a book.

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Not a bad idea, and when it gets turned into a movie, I hope Steve Buschemi plays me on the silver screen…🚴🏾‍♂️

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You know I have been reading a lot lately (bad habit) about how many of the indigenous folks were driven out of Texas just like the Indigenous that we like to call Indians. I think that there is a trend somewhere in this. It is so amazing to me how you can discover a land that is already occupied and then say to the inhabitants: "Be gone you scurilous scum!". History, go figure. By the way I found that I have Italian in my ancestry so now I am checking all kind of boxes on forms and laughing as I walk away! Maybe soon there won't be any lines, imaginary or not.

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Wouldn’t that be grand, no lines!!! Cheers Lovay, peace to you and yours😎

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