I was an erratic reader of your posts when your journey was underway, and you were posting these gems. I enjoyed your writing then, but I was too caught up with life to read them on a regular basis. So, if you see me comment/like these posts, I'm just catching up on your adventure and enjoying your great writing.

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how many spare tires n tubes you gonna carry along the trip

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2spare tires and 6 extra tubes plus plenty of patches

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you are going to have a tuff time with the pilots slim jim seat as I see the rear seat for your buddy is padded. Your taint and nuts will be totally sore after each day . A lot of talcum power and a padded seat like the rear one is suggested 4 sure.. good luck on the random excursion vehicle.

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The seat in the photo will be swapped out with our own preferred seats Richie. Each bike rider has their own favorite, because you’re correct about keeping your buns and undercarriage in tip top shape! Take care

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