I was really worried about Texas but I did not want to speak at the risk of inducing bad Karma. I am glad that understanding prevailed and that for the most part, your journey has been positive. The world is changing but I have to believe that is just us as Americans having more growing pains before we evolve as that more perfect union. Sending good Karma your way!

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Appreciate the good vibes Lovay, take care!

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Having the other bikers join you for dinner sounds like the best.❣️🍔

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Better for you to be riding a bike miles from no-where, than to reading world news right now. The happiest days of my life were riding my bike in the 1950’s with my best friends. Our goals and joys were always in front of us, just the other side of the handlebars. Ride on gentleman and keep those moments. We are following you 🤩

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Scott, I don't know how you have energy to write after these days! Thanks you for making the effort. I'm with you guys every breath of the day!


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